jvc never used car stereo
Never used jvc car stereo with wiring harness. I paid $475. I bought it for my gf car and then her car was stolen before I could install it. If you need me to install it. ~~~I could also install it for $125 for laborer and $15 for material~~~ **Specs and see if it will fit your car on link below** 👇 https://www.crutchfield.com/S-fMAj7flYupI/p_105KWV660B/JVC-KW-V660BT.html?XVINQ=GLX&awkw=932158814368&awat=pla&awnw=g&awcr=453068145547&awdv=m&awug=1013462&gclid=CjwKCAjwrNmWBhA4EiwAHbjEQMB-PN0J-

331 21/07/2022 Arizona Tucson

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Joined Jul 2022
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